»Leb deinen Traum«
Forays into other musical styles are always a pleasant experience for the artist. His new CD “Leb deinen Traum” (“Live Your Dream”) is a dream come true for Riccardo Di Francesco: he is singing songs written especially for him and his audience. It is his fifth solo album, and the first one featuring almost exclusively “his own songs”!

price: 14 Euro
charges for packing and postage: 2 Euro
order: riccardodifrancesco@lcc.li

»Weihnachten mit Riccardo Di Francesco«
“Rund ums Lebkuchenherz” (“The Gingerbread Heart”) is the new Christmas recital programme of Riccardo Di Francesco and this CD features all the Christmas carols on the programme – the most beautiful traditional songs, mainly in German, with modern arrangements for orchestra.
The booklet and cover were designed by Peter George d’Angelino Tap.

price: 14 Euro
charges for packing and postage: 2 Euro
order: riccardodifrancesco@lcc.li

»Die Gitarre und das Meer«
This CD is Riccardo Di Francesco’s take on the most beautiful songs of the popular singer Freddy Quinn, including “Die Gitarre und das Meer”, “Junge komm bald wieder”, “Heimatlos” and many more. With this CD, Riccardo has responded to requests from his fans, and the audience of the Spring Meeting concerts who cherish his fantastic renditions of Freddy Quinn songs will be especially pleased.

price: 14 Euro
charges for packing and postage: 2 Euro
order: riccardodifrancesco@lcc.li

»The marriage of Figaro«
DVD live recording; language german

conductor: Günther Simonott; stage director: Barbara Klimo

Figaro: Riccardo Di Francesco
Susanna: Renate Fankhauser
Count: Hermann Kiebacher
Countessa: Silvie Bendova

price: 22 Euro
charges for packing and postage: 2 Euro
order: riccardodifrancesco@lcc.li

»Senza confini« Riccardo Di Francesco's first CD in this field, titled »Senza Confini« contains 10 songs which are a combination of classical and pop music. Using English, Italian and German, it reflects a characteristic of Riccardo Di Francesco: his open mind. This open approach has also allowed him to cross the traditional borders in music ... ironically reflected in the title itself. »Senza Confini« or »Without Borders« in English is a project with infinite possibilities which Riccardo Di Francesco is pursuing with enthusiasm and ambition.

price: 13 Euro
charges for packing and postage: 2 Euro
order: riccardodifrancesco@lcc.li

price: 13 Euro
charges for packing and postage: 2 Euro
order: riccardodifrancesco@lcc.li

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